Saturday, December 3, 2011


Brian bought me these cute boots for our anniversary.  I am pretty excited about them.

Also, I asked my hair dresser for something a little fun so this is my new look.  Just a little different but a little sassy don't you think.


Julia Kelly said...

You are the cutest mom in the whole world! Love the boots and love the hair!!!

Shannon said...

LOVE the new hair! I have been pondering how to put a little "sass" in my hairstyle... you are an inspiration in every area of life. For some reason this is making me all teary, but I am so grateful to be one of your daughters.

Shareen said...

It is perfectly sassy:) I envy your ability to look so good with short hair.

becky said...

I love it mom! YOu look gorgeous with gray hair so any hairstyle would look great but I do agree that if your going to do short, you must do sassy also :) I am impressed, dad picked the boots by himself? Either way, they are super cute and you will get lots of use out of them soon when you come to visit. :)

Unknown said...

your hair is perfect! Maybe it's time for me to go short like you!! LOVE it! and the boots too. . .