Saturday, January 23, 2010


I'm taking the challenge from Shannon so here it is.

1. Remembering the sweet moments holding baby, Macey.

2. Taking a nice walk in a beautful place, whether a beach or out my back door through the red dirt to the water tower.

3. Looking out from my deck at the beautiful red rocks with majestic Pine Mountain covered with snow towering behind.

4. Hearing from friends I haven't seen for a while.

5. Getting good news about my grandchildren's successes.

6. A cup of frozen custard from Nielsen's.

7. I good read.

8. Hanging out with my hubby watching a basketball game. (BYU just beat San Diego in a good game.)

9. Phone calls from my children.

10. Getting a card from Anya with money in it! (Now that is a first)


Shannon said...

All of those are very happy things! I am happy because you guys will be here in less than a week - woohoo! :)

Julia Kelly said...

I love your list mom. As always, I wish we weren't so far away.


Shareen said...

I'm glad you got your dollars from Anya. I think she thought they'd cheer you and grandpa up. I hope she didn't write anything weird in her note because she'd sealed up the envelope before I had a chance to look.

Shannon said...

Good lists from both you and dad. None of us are very complicated people.
