Thursday, June 17, 2010

Better Late Than Never!

These pictures are from last month, but wanted to put them up anyway.

We were able to go to girl's dance program. They looked soooo cute.

My siblings decided we didn't like the headstone for our Mom and Dad. Bob and Corene did the work on getting a new one. This was my first opportunity to see it. I thought it was very nice. On the back side are listed all the children's names.

Remember our garden? We actually have some things growing. The lettuce looked very nice at this point. On our return from spending two weeks in Washington, everything had gone wild. We did pick some squash, peppers and beets.

Having Julia and Macey here for a week was a highlight. We enjoyed them so much.

It was hard to pick which picture of Macey to include. I had lots of cute ones. Julia is right in saying that she is very curious and busy now that she can get around.

Having Kristie and the girls come down was great. The girls sure had fun with Macey.


Shannon said...

All of those little girls are so cute! (And I don't think I am a prejudiced Auntie!)

Julia Kelly said...

Can't wait until we can see you again!

becky said...

great pics, I am glad you decided to post late so I can have a chance to see the kids.

LaSchelle said...

Cute pics of Julia. I don't see many of those on her blog... just those cute kiddos of hers!