We had a nice week in Washington and were able to see and do lots. In Manson everything seemed to be in bloom, trees, bushes, flowers,etc., but I choose these beautiful lilacs. It was nice walking around the area and enjoying all things beautiful!
The parade in Wenatchee on Saturday was fun. We hadn't been to a parade in quite a few years. I especially enjoy the floats and the bands. Of course, that is Bronte on the left. She looked beautiful.
There is Joe marching with the Manson band. I think they look very sharp. I couldn't get Paul on the drums.
We were happy to be able to see David, Tiffany and Sean. They were in Pateros for a few days. Can't see much of cute little Sean from this picture.
Bronte is looking sharp and is off for one of her duties as a Princess for the Manson Apple Blossom Festival. Sounds like she has been very busy with these activities which will be in full swing with weekend as Manson has their festival and parade.
We were able to see Joe at his track meet. How about that form!
We tried to see Paul at his track meet. The weather system came up with high winds and rain. We were were fair-weather fans and left. After we left the sun came out.
We saw Katie play three soft-ball games. She actually had seven games last week. I don't know how she has the energy for that many games. I think they won all but one of the games. She looks good out there.
I am a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, happily married for almost 49 years to my best friend, Brian. We are happily settled in Washington City, Utah.